"Overview on Dams throughout History and Dam Failures in the World"

Dr. Tayfur is currently a faculty member in the Civil Engineering Department, İzmir Institute of Technology. He obtained his BSc degree from the Civil Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University in 1985. He had his MSc and PhD degrees from the Civil Engineering Department, the University of California at Davis in 1990 and 1993, respectively. He had worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in LAWR Department of UC-Davis from 1993 to 1995. He joined the Izmir Institute of Technology in 1995 as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to the Associate Professor and then to the full Professor positions in the Department of Civil Engineering in 1998 and 2004, respectively. He worked as a Visiting Scholar at the Louisiana State University in 2004-2005 and in the University of Mississippi in 2007-2008. Also, he has had collaborations with the research institution CNR-IRPI, Perugia, Italy. He has supervised several PhD and Master Degree students, authored and co-authored more than 80 peer reviewed journal papers, 2 books, 9 book chapters, and more than 90 conference papers. His research has involved the numerical modeling of overland and channel flows, erosion and sheet sediment transport, sediment transport in alluvial channels, floods, drought, channel morphology, chemical transport in surface and subsurface flows, dam break flows and the application of artificial intelligence methods in hydrological, hydraulics and water resources engineering problems.

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